

1. Flickr Uploadr

  • Download and run the Flickr Uploadr installer (3.0 or newer)
  • Run Uploadr and follow the authorization process
  • Exit Uploadr

Note: One user has reported that Uploadr 2.5 works too. On my PC under XP (french) it crashes when I try to export more than two or three photos, I think there is an overflow when the command line is too long or if it contains some "special" char.

2. Installing picasa2flickr button v2

  • Click on the following link picasa2flickr.pbz
  • Answer yes when it asks you if you want to import the button to picasa
  • Click on "Add >>" button to append the picasa2flickr button

Note: This new button does not replace the previous picasa2flickr button, but you can remove any buttons using Tools>Configure buttons... menu.

3. Usage

  • Run Picasa
  • Select photos to import
  • Click on "Send To flickr!" button
  • A "Sending to flickr Uloadr" progress bar should appear
  • Wait until uploadr start
  • An "Import" button should appear when all the queue have been analyzed
  • Click on "Import" button to start the upload

4. Queue issue

The Uploadr queue is persistent between Uploadr executions: once a photo is in the queue it will remain in it until you manually delete it or import it to flickr. This Uploadr "feature" could be a real issue if you accidentally click on the picasa2flickr button while you have hundred of photos selected.

Tip: Use "Ctrl-A" key to select all photos and press the "Delete" key to remove them from the queue.

Bug: There is a bug in Uploadr 3.0, if you delete or rename a queued file between two executions you will see some warning icons in your queue. It could easily happen if you exit Uploadr with some photos in the queue and clean your picasa temporary cache. The only way to remove these warnings is to manually delete the file photos.json located in C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Application Data\Flickr\Flickr Uploadr\Profiles\xxxxxxxx.default\ where USERNAME is your windows account name and xxxxxxxx is a random strings.

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